Trump Wins 2024; Chaos to Follow with Martin Armstrong

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

In this exclusive interview, Martin Armstrong delves into the current economic and political landscape. Armstrong expresses concerns about the elites’ potential actions to prevent Trump from winning the upcoming election and the desire for war as a political tool. He forecasts a decline in the economy until 2028, citing consumer distrust and election uncertainties as key factors. Armstrong critiques Amazon’s diversity initiatives, linking them to unionization efforts, and questions the effectiveness of such policies. He draws comparisons between the potential recession’s impact on global stock markets and the stagflation of the 1970s, noting the current administration’s low approval ratings and the diminishing public trust in government. The conversation also explores the influence of unelected officials in Washington, the vetting of presidential candidates, and the IMF’s digital currency as a potential threat to the US dollar’s dominance. Armstrong underscores the importance of a stock market rebound and suggests that war could be used as an excuse for economic default. The discussion offers a candid view of the challenges facing central banks in maintaining economic stability.

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  1. When a corporation goes bankrupt, common share holders usually get nothing. Preferred share holders might get something. Few actually own a stock certificate, which is just an I.O.U. Your shares are the property of the brokerage house. What happens if we have a real “awakening” and share holder realize that these are just pretend ownerships. Martin says confidence in government is collapsing which is obvious. We now live in a neo-facism where the corporations own our elected officials. I assure you people have lost confidence in the private corporation also. We have the best politician money can buy.

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