Mike Gazzola – You Can Never Have Enough Inventory

from Easy Residual Income

Status Report as of: October 21st, 2016

Date business started: January 27, 2016
Total sales to date: $462,718
Total units to date: 13,021
Yesterday’s sales $3021
30 day sales: $81,608
30 day unit sales: 2,501
Current Number of Products: 7
Current Number of Listings: 11

Sales at Mike and Matt’s Amazon Store are still extremely strong, despite the fact that they’ve ran out of inventory on their two hottest items. But these are good problems to have. After all, they’re selling three times more products than they expected. So while they’ve lost thousands in sales, in a way they’ve become a victim of their own success. But not to worry, they have over $500,000 of inventory on hand and this problem will never happen again.

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